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Date Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
19:56, 5 June 2015 Slide.pdf (file) 715 KB ChihiroUehara   1
14:09, 5 June 2015 Presentation.pdf (file) 1.32 MB JacobBoender Presentation on MIRTO at TFPIE2015 1
10:48, 18 June 2014 TFPIE14.pieter.slides.pdf (file) 394 KB Pieter   2
08:39, 16 June 2014 Tfpie2014-teaching-sw-arch.pdf (file) 267 KB AlejandroSerrano   1
07:51, 27 May 2014 TFPIEJeuring.pdf (file) 1.32 MB JohanJeuring   1
17:00, 26 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 6.pdf (file) 153 KB ScottWalck Fixed a footnote. 2
16:49, 26 May 2014 LearnPhysics.pdf (file) 195 KB ScottWalck Slides from the talk "Learn Physics by Programming in Haskell" at TFPIE 2014. 1
14:57, 26 May 2014 FSM.pdf (file) 1.16 MB Morazanm These are the slides of my presentation on programming in an Intro to Automata Theory and Formal Languages course. 1
14:14, 26 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 11 slides.pdf (file) 171 KB JanKuper Slides of presentation on The Sprockell 1
13:25, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 16.pdf (file) 111 KB Peter88   1
13:24, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 7.pdf (file) 123 KB Peter88 In this paper, we describe our experiences teaching concepts of functional programming to a group of almost 300 students. In it we discuss what topics we taught, the kind of assignments we expected them to make, the operational aspects of the course, what 1
13:23, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 8.pdf (file) 312 KB Peter88 Efficient implementations of sets and maps (dictionaries) are important in computer science, and balanced binary search trees are the basis of the best practical implementations. Pedagogically, however, they are often quite complicated, especially with re 1
13:22, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 5.pdf (file) 175 KB Peter88 Software Architecture is an important part of the Computer Science curriculum. In this paper we propose using Haskell as a tool for exercising architectural patterns, and argue that this enhances understanding of the material by the students and clarity o 1
13:21, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 12.pdf (file) 187 KB Peter88 The target of our course advanced functional programming is currently shifting towards the design, use, and the functional implementation techniques for embedded Domains Specific Languages, DSLs. We use a well-known and very simple imperative language as 1
13:19, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 11.pdf (file) 112 KB Peter88 In this paper we describe a Von Neumann type single core processor. It has many simplifications in comparison with a single core realistic processor, but it nevertheless is Turing complete. We also describe the role it plays in teaching both functional pr 1
13:18, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 9.pdf (file) 650 KB Peter88 In this paper we present the usage of Haskell and ClaSH in lectures on hardware design for students at the University of Twente. We discuss some examples from the field of digital signal processing, namely a high-pass filter and a low-pass filter. We demo 1
13:16, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 14.pdf (file) 95 KB Peter88 An introductory formal languages course exposes students to automata theory, grammars, constructive proofs, computability, and decidability. This exposure usually comes late in the undergraduate curriculum or early in the graduate curriculum. In either se 1
13:14, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 15.pdf (file) 136 KB Peter88 We claim that program design techniques, like equational derivation of programs from specifications and separation of concerns, can be applied to obtain results in Mathematics. This means that Mathematics and Programming are not at all alien in their meth 1
13:12, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 13.pdf (file) 228 KB Peter88 We present the motivations, syllabus and teaching method of Foundations of Computing, a course of Mathematics whose objects happen to be given by a functional programming language. 1
13:11, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 10.pdf (file) 146 KB Peter88 A type debugger interactively detects the expression which causes a type error. It asks users whether they intend the types of identifiers to be those that the compiler inferred. However, it seems that novice programmers using type debugger often get in t 1
13:09, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 4.pdf (file) 207 KB Peter88 A number of introductory textbooks for Haskell use calculations right from the start to give the reader insight into the evaluation of expressions and the behavior of functional programs. In fact, many programming concepts that are considered to be import 1
13:06, 20 May 2014 Tfpie2014 submission 1.pdf (file) 3.73 MB Peter88 Functional programming languages are seen by many as instrumental to effectively utilizing the computational power of multi-core platforms. As a result, there is growing interest to introduce functional programming and functional thinking as early as poss 1
23:40, 12 May 2013 TFPIE2013 Steps Towards Teaching Clojure.pdf (file) 142 KB Peter88 The Clojure programming language is a new language in the LISP family that is gaining rapid popularity in industry due to its elegant design and suitability for concurrent programming. We argue that Clojure has benefits for being taught as a programming l 1
23:39, 12 May 2013 TFPIE2013 Functional Reactive Programming.pdf (file) 187 KB Peter88   1
23:37, 12 May 2013 TFPIE2013 Racket Functional Programming.pdf (file) 167 KB Peter88 In light of current trends that regard coding as the literacy of the 21st century, the M.Ed program in mathematics education in our college of education offers its students – elementary mathematics teachers - two consecutive courses in computer science, 1
23:36, 12 May 2013 TFPIE2013 Hardware Design Using Clash.pdf (file) 247 KB Peter88 In order to bring the theory of embedded computer architectures into practice, a practical assignment has been developed where students design digital hardware using the functional hardware description language ClaSH. The assignment focuses on specifying 1
23:35, 12 May 2013 TFPIE2013 Structural Induction Principles.pdf (file) 146 KB Peter88 User defined recursive types are a fundamental feature of modern functional programming languages like Haskell and the ML family of languages. Properties of programs defined by recursion on the structure of a recursive types are generally proved by struct 1
23:31, 12 May 2013 TFPIE 2013 Principles to Practice with Class.pdf (file) 169 KB Peter88 We propose a bridge between functional and object-oriented programming in the first-year curriculum. Traditionally, curricula that begin with functional programming transition to a professional, usually object-oriented, language in the second course. This 1
11:38, 15 June 2012 Brainstorm june 13 2012.pdf (file) 97 KB Peter88 Brief summary of brainstorm lunch-meeting held on june 13 2012 after TFPIE 2012 to discuss ideas, concept, and so on for a general portal to functional programming in education. 1
10:30, 2 June 2012 TFPIE2012- Recursion Schemes of Scientific Models-demoR.png (file) 20 KB Btrancon   1
10:26, 2 June 2012 TFPIE2012- Recursion Schemes of Scientific Models-demoD.png (file) 31 KB Btrancon   1
10:22, 2 June 2012 TFPIE2012- Recursion Schemes of Scientific Models-demoI.png (file) 49 KB Btrancon   1
10:14, 2 June 2012 TFPIE2012- Recursion Schemes of Scientific Models-demoT.png (file) 82 KB Btrancon   1
10:00, 2 June 2012 TFPIE2012- Recursion Schemes of Scientific Models-demoA.png (file) 35 KB Btrancon   2
09:51, 2 June 2012 TFPIE2012 Supplement RecursionSchemesOfScientificModels (file) 303 KB Btrancon Electronic Supplement: Literate Haskell code of the article as mentioned in a footnote. 1
13:17, 31 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft HolmesForHaskell Hage and Vermeer.pdf (file) 204 KB Jurriaanhage   1
21:57, 29 May 2012 Jculecturenotesdutch.pdf (file) 371 KB J.stutterheim Lecture notes for the JCU prethesis (Dutch) 1
14:27, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft TactileTerms Holzenspies.pdf (file) 118 KB WikiSysop In this paper, we are arguing for a new way of programmer-compiler interaction. ... 1
14:25, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft ConnectingTheDots ODonnell.pdf (file) 308 KB WikiSysop A functional hardware description language enables students to gain a working understanding of computer systems, and to see how the levels of abstraction fit together. ... 1
14:24, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft RecursionSchemesOfScientificModels Widemann.pdf (file) 222 KB WikiSysop The Squiggol approach to recursive algorithms separates computation and recursion scheme. We revisit the idea in a setting of simple but paradigmatic problems in scientific, particularly ecological, modelling. ... 1
14:21, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft IntensiveProgrammesInFP Zsok and Horvath.pdf (file) 111 KB WikiSysop In this paper we present the advantages and experiences of the Central European Functional Programming summer school series. ... 1
14:19, 29 May 2012 Tfpie2012 submission 5.pdf (file) 204 KB WikiSysop Holmes is a plagiarism detection tool for Haskell programs. ... 1
14:17, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft TeachingFPtoDOTNETDevelopers Petricek.pdf (file) 185 KB WikiSysop ... With the recent rise of functional programming in the industry, it becomes important to teach functional concepts to professional developers with deep knowledge of other paradigms, most importantly object-oriented. ... 1
14:15, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft CS4204ConcurrencyMulticore Hammond.pdf (file) 37 KB WikiSysop We have been teaching a new 25-hour advanced lecture module on concurrency and multicore parallelism in 2012. ... 1
14:12, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft COMP 2650Experience Deb.pdf (file) 87 KB WikiSysop A proposal to teach functional programming, in an introductory service course, to non-majors with minimal mathematics background, is certain to face skepticism, cynicism, and strong opposition. ... 1
14:10, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft FortyHoursOfDeclarativeProgramming Stutterheim et al.pdf (file) 286 KB WikiSysop This paper documents our experience using declarative languages to give secondary school students a first taste of Computer Science. ... 1
14:07, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft TeachingGenericProgramming Koopman and Plasmeijer.pdf (file) 168 KB WikiSysop In this paper we explain how we teach generic programming to master students in computer science. ... 1
14:05, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft GoodAbstractionDesign Holzenspies.pdf (file) 188 KB WikiSysop Motivated by wanting to teach good abstraction skills in programming practice to moderately unseasoned programmers, I developed and taught a narrative to argue against ad hoc abstractions. ... 1
14:00, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft MathematicsIsImprecise Ragde.pdf (file) 103 KB WikiSysop We commonly think of mathematics as bringing precision to application domains, but its relationship with computer science is more complex. ... 1
13:53, 29 May 2012 TFPIE2012 Draft HowComputersWork Page and Gamboa.pdf (file) 144 KB WikiSysop What would you teach if you had only one course to help students grasp the essence of computation and perhaps inspire a few of them to make computing a subject of further study? ... 1
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